Family Law and Social Care

We have a ‘niche’ providing medical ethics information in the context of family law. Child protection cases will regularly use medical information, psychological tests and interaction with professionals to uphold or deny parental choices in the family.

Each case rests on a unique combination of ‘layers’ – professional integrity, the number of issues, medical diagnoses, the views of professionals and whether there is any domestic abuse. Within these dynamics sits a multiple array of possible outcomes. Our aim is to provide a full analysis of the layers of your case, so you can better understand how to proceed – whether that is with legal support or as a litigant-in-person.

When you’re faced with social workers or court proceedings, it is hard to understand what is needed. We can provide a ‘peer parent’ advocate to walk the legal jargon with you, to make it easier to face the challenge and hopefully work to a positive conclusion.